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Nearby Attractions

Our flexible office is conveniently located in the heart of Georgetown at the tri-point of Hwy 17, 701 and Highmarket Street. We offer both temporary and full-time office spaces along with conference rooms. Contact us today to book your office and have easy access to the following nearby attractions:

The Rice Museum The Rice Museum is a great place to learn about the history of rice cultivation in South Carolina. Explore the exhibits and artifacts to gain insight into the agricultural practices that have formed the backbone of the state's economy. You can also watch a 15-minute video about the history of rice cultivation.

Photo credit: Marsh Deane


The Kaminski House Museum The Kaminski House Museum is a historic home in Georgetown that dates back to the 18th century. The house has been restored to its former glory and now serves as a museum that showcases the lifestyle of wealthy planters in the Lowcountry. Take a guided tour of the house and its grounds to learn about its fascinating history.

Photo credit: Kaminski House Museum 


Photo credit: L. Fearington

The Georgetown Harborwalk   The Georgetown Harborwalk is a scenic boardwalk that winds along the Sampit River. Take a stroll along the boardwalk to enjoy stunning views of the river and the historic buildings that line it. You can also stop at one of the many restaurants and shops that are located along the boardwalk.

Brookgreen Gardens Brookgreen Gardens is a beautiful sculpture garden that showcases the work of American sculptors. The garden is also home to native animals and plants, and you can take a boat tour to learn about the area's ecology. There are also several indoor galleries that feature rotating exhibitions of art and history.


Photo credit: Brookgreen Gardens

Hobcaw Barony Hobcaw Barony is a nature preserve that spans over 16,000 acres of land. The preserve includes a variety of habitats, including salt marshes, forests, and beaches. Take a guided tour of the preserve to learn about its ecology and history, or explore on your own with a self-guided tour. Call and reserve for a delicious lunch.

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